2023 American Holiday Festival
The U.S. Army Orchestra
More tickets have been distributed than there are seats. No tickets required at 15 minutes prior to advertised start time if seats are available.Sun / Dec 3 / 3 pm
DAR Constitution Hall | Washington, DC
1776 D Street, NW
The U.S. Army Orchestra
Conductor: COL Bruce R. Pulver
The U.S. Army Band Leader and Commander
There are no printed programs. If you wish, click HERE to download and print a large-format version. The show is approximately 90 minutes with no intermission.
Christmas in Washington Fanfare / Edelbrock
featuring The U.S. Army Herald Trumpets / Conductors: LTC Randy Bartel, CPT Lee Lamb, CPT Bonnie Alger
A Holiday Rhapsody / McTaggart
There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays / Stillman and Allen; arr. Hayes
SFC Adiza Jibril, SSG Esther Kang, SSG Ethan Zorack-Greene, and SSG David Szabo, vocalists
Selections from The Nutcracker / Tchaikovsky
featuring members of The Virginia Ballet Company
- March / Beren Kasimcan and Mila Shin, dancers
- Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy / Emily Tucker, dancer
- Waltz of the Flowers / Karina Girdharry, Shayla Marciniak, and Natalya Richart, dancers
- Trepak / Rose Edmiston, Anna Sauer, and Willa Wensel, dancers
I'll Be Home for Christmas / Kent and Gannon; arr. Taylor and SFC Sara Corry
SSG David Szabo, vocalist
You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" / Geisel and Hague; arr. Murtha
SFC Heath Sorensen, vocalist
Mary, Did You Know? / Greene and Lowry; arr. Emerson
SSG Maya Rodriguez, SSG Keaton Webb, MSG Matthew Heil, SFC Andre McRae, and SSG Adam Strube, vocalists
Lebedik Un Freylach (Lively and Happy) / Schwartz; arr. MSG Marty Gold
featuring The U.S. Army Band Klezmer Ensemble
Chanukah, O Chanukah / Rivesman; arr. MSG Marty Gold
SSG Caroline Nielson, vocalist
This Christmas / Hathaway and McKinnor; orch. Murtha
SSG Maya Rodriguez, vocalist
Little Drummer Boy / Simeone, Davis, and Onorati; arr. Taylor and Richard; orch. Brown
featuring The U.S. Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, arr. Marks
Happy Kwanzaa / Pendergrass; arr. SSG Andrew Kosinski
SFC Adiza Jibril, vocalist
Holiday Sing-Along / Various; arr. SFC Sara Corry
O Magnum Mysterium / Lauridsen; trans. Dackow
featuring The U.S. Army Chorus
Hallelujah! / Handel; arr. Warren, Jackson, Kibble, and Chinn; trans. Vanacore
SFC Andre McRae and SSG Imani Grosvenor, vocalists
Sleigh Ride / Anderson
We Wish You a Merry Christmas / Traditional; arr. Milburn
Learn more about The U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own"
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