Dr. Thomas V. Fraschillo
Dr. Thomas V. Fraschillo has attained a significant level of international leadership in that he has served as president of the prestigious American Bandmasters Association, following in this office a long line of distinguished conductors. Other offices have been the presidency of the world’s largest organization for band directors, the National Band Association (1998-2000), and president of the CBDNA Southern Division.
His publications, translations from the original Italian of Alessandro Vessella’s Studi di strumentazione (Instrumentation Studies), La Tecnica dell’orchestra contemporanea (The Technique of Contemporary Orchestration), by Alessandro Casella and Vittorio Mortari, and Orchestrare per fiati (Orchestrating for Winds) by Angelo De Paola, all published by BMG Ricordi, Milan, have put his name in music libraries of the entire English-speaking world.
Prior to his position as Director of Bands at the University of Southern Mississippi, his Meridian High School Band was the second Mississippi band ever to perform at the Midwest Clinic in Chicago. His USM Wind Ensemble performed for two conventions of The American Bandmasters Association and three conventions of the College Band Directors National Association. In 1998, he hosted the national convention of The American Bandmasters Association in Biloxi, Mississippi. As a result of all the above he is constantly in demand as a conductor and clinician throughout the world.